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Response codes

The Worldline Connect API uses basic HTTP response codes to indicate the resulting status of each request. In general response codes in the 2xx range mean your request was handled successfully, 4xx mean that we could not process your request either due to the request itself not being correct or because the transaction doesn’tt have the right status for your action and 5xx means something went amiss in our system.

The following HTTP response codes are used by the Worldline Connect API:

Meaning Description
200 Successful Your request was processed correctly.
201 Created Your request was processed correctly and a new resource was created.
The URI of this created resource is returned in the Location header of the response.
400 Bad Request Your request is not correct and can’t be processed.
Please correct the mistake and try again.
403 Not authorized You’re trying to do something that is not allowed or that you’re not authorized to do.
404 Not found The object you were trying to access could not be found on the server.
409 Conflict Your request resulted in a conflict.
Either you submitted a duplicate request or
you’re trying to create something with a duplicate key.
410 Gone The object that you are trying to reach has been removed.
500 Internal Server Error Something went wrong on our end.
502 Bad Gateway We were unable to process a message from a downstream partner/acquirer.

For every 4xx and 5xx response an errorId and an array of errors is returned providing detailed error information.
The array can return multiple errors at once and can hold the following elements:

Key Description
Code The ID of the error returned.
propertyName Returned only if the error relates to a value that was missing or incorrect.
Contains a location path to the value as a JSonata query.
Some common examples:
  • a.b selects the value of property b of root property a,
  • a[1] selects the first element of the array in root property a,
  • a[b='some value'] selects all elements of the array in root property a that have a property b with value 'some value'.
Date Formatted Timestamp of the request
Message A human-readable description of the error.
Note that this message is not meant to be relayed directly to your consumer as this may
contain information that can be abused by people looking to commit fraud.

Error handling

The Worldline platforms are constantly improved and expanded, so you should handle any unknown HTTP response code and/or any unknown error gracefully